The Unofficial Iowa Northern Railway Site
Locomotive Roster
IANR Owned Cars
Line Segments
Current Operations
Upcoming Projects

Manly to Waterloo (Bryant Yard)
The north end of the Iowa Northern is an interchange yard with the Union Pacific in Manly. The IANR has trackage rights on the UP Spine Line for a few hundred feet between the yard and their own line south to Waterloo. IANR crosses the ICE at grade at Nora Springs and Plymouth, and interchanges with the ICE at Nora Springs. ICE will commonly use this segment to bypass its own yard in Mason City.
Outside of Cedar Falls, the IANR gets on the CN (ex-IC) at Cedar Falls Jct and uses the CN all the way to UP's Linden Yard. This is via the CN Iowa Division mainline from Cedar Falls Jct to CP West Waterloo, where the IANR splits off the main and uses IC's ex-Waterloo, Cedar Falls & Northern to bypass the CN Waterloo Yard and connect with the UP's Linden Yard where they pick up UP tracks. From there they use the UP (ex-CGW) to where the Rock/CGW diamond used to be, and, swinging south, the IANR regains their own tracks. 
This job is currently called for 0700 at Greene. Replacement crews are called at 1500 and 2300 and drive out to the train to relieve the previous crew.
There is an intact ROCK depot at Rockford that has been turned into a museum, complete with CVAR caboose (CVAR was Jack Frailey's first acquisition from the IC, before he bought the Chicago Central & Pacific), and a ROCK depot in downtown Cedar Falls still stands as well. The IANR has built a new depot in Greene and used to be headquartered out of it.

The views and opinions expressed in The Unofficial IANR Site are that of the webmaster and not the IANR.